Thursday, March 31, 2011


So tomorrow is the first day of April... Who knows what that means?? To some, it is simply the first day of April, for some it is April fools day. Also it is Fred and George Weasley's birthday. ^_^ For me it is all of those things as well as the first day of VEDA. For those of you who don't know what that is, it means Vlog Every Day in April. I have never tried anything like it before, but I thought I would give it a try. I don't think I will be doing BEDA though (Blog Every Day in April).
So I haven't written anything in a while. Here is what I've been doing mostly, in no particular order.
1. Youtube
2. Homework
3. Facebook
4. Yourpants
5. Paying It Forward over spring break

For those of you wondering what that last thing is, over spring break I took a bus with 39 other college students and we went to Memphis to do a service project there. That wasn't our only one though. While on our way there we stopped in 5 other places to do service projects. In Lacrosse we helped clean out a Salvation Army warehouse. That was so much fun ^_^ Our next service project was going to be putting on a talent show in a nursing home, but that fell through, so instead, once we got to our housing spot (which was amazing if I do say so myself) we made cards for kids with terminal illnesses. Reading about all of the kids that we were making cards for made me kind of sad that they have to go through that at such a young age. I don't know if I would be able to. The next day we went to the St. Louis Zoo. It was such a nice day out. I was able to take off my jacket, and just where a t-shirt that day. There was even green grass. I was excited for our service project the next day, because it was going to be something outside. The next morning we woke up and started driving to where it was. Unfortunately when we woke up, there was no green grass, everything was covered in white, and there were big white snowflakes falling to the ground. We were unable to do that service project. However, due to our amazing bus core we were able to find a new service project. We were folding bags for a food drive that is held sometime towards the beginning of the summer. This was fun to do because it was simple enough that while we were doing it we could be having conversations with each other, which meant bonding time. The next night we stayed at a YMCA camp in Louisville KY. This was my favorite housing site out of all of the places we stayed. The next morning we cleaned out the different cabins that the campers stay in. After that we got on the bus. We made a surprise stop in Nashville Tennessee that day. I would say that this day was one of my favorites. I went to the Country Music Hall of Fame, and it was the first day I really spent time with one of the people who I became really good friends with on the trip. When we were walking around, after going to the hall of fame, we went into a bar and listened to somebody singing. I had never heard him before, but he was actually fairly good. His name was Craig Curtis. The next day our project was in Columbia Tennessee. This was such a fun service project. We got to clean out the Boy's and Girl's club. It was amazing how different it looked when we were done. It looked like a new place. After that was when we finally went to Memphis. We got to go to Beale Street, where we listened to several people singing the blues, I had a drunk person spill part of their beer on me, I spilled my water on another person, and Becca and I both fell simultaneously. The next day we had our service project. Our bus got one of the best ones. We got to help set up a St. Patrick's Day party at a nursing home. A few of us went and spent time with the people that had Alzheimer's disease. When doing that and hearing about how a lot of those patients almost never get visitors it made me think of my grandma, and how we almost never visit her. Overall it was an amazing trip.
Another thing that you might be wondering is what are yourpants. This is an awesome website for nerdfighters. I have met several people on it. A few people from the other schools in the area, and then also some from other parts of the world. I have been having a fun time with it, and I just hope that I will keep in touch with the people I have become friends with.
Anyways, this post is getting kind of long, so I think I'm going to leave y'all soon.

In honor of Fred and George's birthday I'm leaving you with this song by Gred and Forge:



  1. Dearest Chelsea,

    Thanks again for sharing all about your trip!! It sounds so fun and wonderful!

    I really would like to watch your videos with you sometime! :D

    I love you my dear!!!


  2. Hello beautiful!

    It sounds like you had an awesome time and learned a lot on your trip! Definitely look for ways to put those things that changed your heart into action :)

    Do you have a vlog? You should post a link for it!

    Miss you and your wonderful cheerful ways! Hope we can have a chat about all the things we've been learning when I get back :)

  3. Liz and Abby!! You two are both amazing!! I do have a vlog... yeah... I haven't really told many people I have it though, so yeah... ^_^
